Fighting Job Search Depression

Talking about your feelings, frustrations, and ideas can be a great way to process them and help you regain a sense of control. In 2021, 3 million Americans had been out of a job since the pandemic. Though, at any rate, there are ways for older workers to rebuild their lives during the pandemic and overcome job search depression. The feelings of anxiety and inadequacy that Adrian speaks about are a common fallout from long-term job hunting.

  • Some strategies, like daily exercise, have been proven time and time again.
  • Saying you’ll apply to 10+ jobs each day isn’t feasible.
  • In order to make your transition out of academia successful, it’s necessary to learn effective coping mechanisms for staying motivated.
  • Take a long walk with your dogs and follow it up with a warm bath and a good book.
  • It’s the most crippling thing I’ve done every time I’ve done it.
  • But if you apply for a job you’re not qualified for, you’re probably not going to get it.

Starting with a primary doctor can help, since they can do an exam and rule out any other medical causes. They can then connect you with a mental health professional to screen for conditions and create a treatment plan.

The ongoing pandemic has sparked a lot of fears for people facing unemployment.

I HAAAAAATE LinkedIn because of that toxic positivity bullshit. It just screams “Why aren’t you happy like us?” Which really just twists the knife in people with CPTSD.

job hunting depression

It pays to have a support group during job search depression. Share your worries with them, without fear of judgment. Remember, Gamora turned to Star Lord when she worried she might fail her mission.

Surround yourself with positive people, not negative people.

Networking is more important than ever, if you’re transitioning to a new industry, or new kind of job. Share a great job search tip, resource, book or lead to help them. Many Americans feel isolated, and less people are engaging in group activities such as volunteering. This makes the effects of “unemployment depression” even worse. Depression can’t simply be waved away by telling yourself to feel happier.

  • A survey by the Pew Research Center found that about half of US adults who are looking for a job are pessimisticabout their prospects for future employment.
  • Talking to a close friend about your frustrations, or pursuing therapy if that’s available to you, can give you another perspective that may change the way you look at the job hunt.
  • According to a Pew Research Center poll, over half of US individuals who are looking for work reported a pessimistic perspective about their future job prospects.
  • Remember, this unfortunate period is only temporary, so don’t sweat it.
  • Reaching back to data from 2019 isn’t a good enough reflection of the world today.
  • It’s easy to get discouraged when searching for a job, and many people can take the rejection personally.

It’s easy to close yourself off to family and friends. This was especially easy during early pandemic lockdowns, where we were encouraged to stay inside and away from anyone we didn’t live with. If your home is messy, your budget chaotic, or your daily schedule lacking, it can feel overwhelming and increase symptoms job search depression of depression. Many people are influenced by their environment — and disorder in your environment can cause disorder in your emotions, too. If you’re living with depression, it’s difficult to see your own worth sometimes. But you have strengths, and it’s important to remember them from when you were employed.


A night filled with anxiety-fueled job board hunts can make getting out of bed at a reasonable hour seem unfair and, sometimes, even impossible. But I knew I couldn’t land any morally acceptable gig from my incredibly comfortable bed. Plus, I knew I couldn’t sound like I’d just woken up from a nap when I got calls from potential employers.

But if you apply for a job you’re not qualified for, you’re probably not going to get it. Another 41% say they’ve had more conflicts or arguments than usual with family and friends. Poor interview performance confirms those negative thoughts about yourself. Feelings of inadequacy prevent you from putting your best foot forward and landing that job. If things pile up and get too much, remember there is always help and networks of support to draw on.

Strategies For Staying Motivated In Your Job Search

Big Issue Group is creating new solutions through enterprise to unlock opportunities for the 14.5 million people living in poverty to earn, learn and thrive. Big Issue Group brings together our media and investment initiatives as well as a diverse and pioneering range of new solutions, all of which aim to dismantle poverty by creating opportunity.

job hunting depression